One week to go.

First, let me say, Happy Mothers’ Day, to all mothers, wives and so on, and especially to my own long-suffering Ma, who reads my comic every week, and who I had planned to see this weekend, but did not at the last minute.  So, Ma, thanks for everything, and Happy Mothers’ Day to ya.  I’ll be home to visit soon, I promise.

And now the deep philosophical nonsense.  Taking this little break has been as much a benefit as it has driven me nuts.  Not only am I really eager to start Chapter 3 (Well, actually, I already HAVE started it, but well, whatever), but it’s also shown me just how much I rely on this as a creative outlet for myself.  That may seem strange, since I work in what I consider the Applied Arts, but it’s true.  What I do as an architect may be my work, but you work for other people.  You do art for yourself.

And with that in mind, I’m more than ready to get into Chapter 3, which will be the final episode of Book One.  It will also, I think, be an extended episode, since as I have presently scripted it, it runs at 48 pages.  I don’t know if I’ll stick to that (I’m still working out the last of the storyboarding) but there’s a lot of story to pack in, and 32 pages may not be enough.  But I feel more than equal to the task, and I’m ready to go.  That, and in reading the office manual for my current job this weekend, I’ve discovered that, supposedly, between Memorial Day and Labor Day, we get “Summer Hours,” which means half days on Fridays.  Which is insanely great.  More comics time!

Also, the first 6-Commando items are officially in production and will, if all goes to plan, be here at the Central Committee in either the last week of May or the first week of June.  I will keep you posted on that, but they are being manufactured as we speak.  Honest.  I know – I signed the check!

And finally, this week marks the end of Bran-Jar’s Story over at reMIND, and the page is the work of Jim Francis of Outsider.  Jim gave me some very good advice early on, so his work is of particular interest to me.  Very cool page from a very good artist, and overall, an excellent project to be included in!  So, don’t miss it!

So that’s all for now.  Tune in next week: Chapter 3 is starting up!